Saturday, April 27, 2013

Round and round we go!

I purchased a round pen just the other day, and last night, we set it up. I think that working in a round pen will be good for training purposes with my young horses. Especially for Siren while working on our lunging.  She is very good at walking and trotting and changing directions. We are working on improving our canter. She pulls on me a bit while she is cantering and also has trouble picking up her left lead. I think that by working in this confined area, she will not only not be able to pull on me, but also, due to the fact that she will be in a much more defined circle, she will hopefully have more of the correct bend to pick up her correct lead. I worked Siren for the first time in the round pen and she did very well! At first she was uneasy at the idea of being in this new area so she turned to me for comfort, by following and chasing me! She is so silly and cute! She soon got the idea to stay on the perimeter and lunge. 

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