Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finishing up!

It is very sad that it has been almost a year since I first received Siren. The program that I am in is coming to a close. I feel blessed to have been able to partake in such an amazing experience that has opened so many doors for me and taught me so much. Most importantly, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to meet Siren. She has created a spot in my heart for her that will never go away. I love her so much! For part of the program, I had to make some videos on horsemanship. Things such as saddling, bridling, brushing, and leading. You can view this video here - AQHA Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program video. Thank you for watching and following along with us for this past year! I hope that you continue to follow our  journey as we continue developing our relationship and knowledge throughout the years to go.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Better and Better!

Today, I lunged Siren with her bridle on again. She was so much better! She chomped on the bit for a minute, as she did yesterday. However, after about one minute, she completely stopped and went about lunging perfectly calm! I was so excited! Also, today I saw a trick horse trainer do a demonstration for out 4-h. I am inspired to work with Siren to expand our trick knowledge. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Chompin' at the bit!

Today was a big step for little Siren! She is slowly being submerged into the world of adulthood. Whether we like it or not, we all grow up. However, there are many steps that that are involved in this growing up process for a little filly. Today, Siren got a bridle put on for the very first time! She had a smooth snaffle placed in her mouth. She most definitely was not a fan of this unfamiliar devise at first. While she did willingly accept the bit at first, she soon began to think that this was a mistake! She was chomping on the bit  for quite some time. This was most definitely a strange feeling for her. She seemed to quickly get used to the feeling as the chomping slowly subsided. My next step was to lead her around. I tried to simulate how the bit would be moving and feel feel in her mouth while a rider is on her back and steering. She was surprisingly alright with this new sensation. She turned, stopped and backed. Then I wanted to lunge her with the bridle on. While she had no reins attached at this time, (I attached the lunge line to her halter which was on under the bridle) she still had to get used to moving forward with the bit. She had the hardest time getting used to the concept of "forward motion". Her reaction was almost comical! She acted as if it were impeding her ability to move! She was okay at the trot, but she was very hesitant to canter. Once she did canter, she dropped her head into the bit and was bouncing around! She quickly realized that this was not going to hinder her movement or ability to  continue forward and settled into her normal, casual canter around the lunge line. I am so proud that she is learning quickly and growing up so wonderfully. While I am sad that she is no longer my tiny little baby, I am happy that she is growing up well and will soon be old enough to explore a many new aspects to life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Siren at the Fair!

I decided to take little miss Siren to the fair a few days ago to compete in a trail in hand class. I was very excited to compete since I had been practicing for quite some time. She was a little nervous coming off the trailer since this was her first experience trailering alone, and only her third time at a show. I was very impressed with how quickly she calmed down! She quickly put on her game face and was ready to compete! Before she could do that, she was to be assessed by an AQHA professional horseman. Lisa Mathews, our local professional horseman was at the show judging. She agreed to assess us, which I must do in this program, before the show started. Siren was wonderful and I think that miss Mathews really liked her! Soon after, Siren and I entered the arena to compete in our class. She was wonderful and won her division! I was so excited! She was then invited to come back the next day to compete in the championship class! This was her first experience spending the night in a new place. She did not seem to mind at all! The next day, prior to the show, we had our 4-H closing ceremonies where I was recognized for my work with Siren. I was thrilled! I received so many compliments on her. The championship class consisted of a pattern that Siren had never seen before. She was AMAZING! The judge asked me if I was the one who has done all of the work on her. When I informed her that I was, she seemed extremely impressed. She also informed all of the competitors that she is very experienced with the in hand trail class. She even gave us a minnie demonstration. She stole Siren from me and did the course with her. She was very impressed, as was I, that Siren responded to an unfamiliar handler. Siren ended up winning her championship class!!!! I was ecstatic! She received a large ribbon and a lovely embroidered bridle bag. As much fun as we had, we are both happy to be back home!