Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One amazing year!

As you can probably tell by me stating this about one million times, I am so thrilled to have been a part of the AQHA's Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program this past year. I have made, what I think, is a fun representation of our past year together. While it does not cover every aspect of everything we have done, it shows how much fun we have had and the love that I have for her. Please enjoy this video Here!

Happy Endings

I have said it before. I have have said it in different ways. However, there is no true way to describe how absolutely amazing this past year has been for me. I had never, prior to this year, imagined myself with such a young horse and such a large project. I can not believe how many doors this has opened up for me. Working with Siren has showed me that this, is what I truly love and want to continue doing for the rest of my life. I have grown to love everything about Siren and can not imagine my life without her. Thank you to everyone who made this past year possible, I owe you all indefinitely. 

As part of my final project with Siren, I had to create a video demonstrating my horsemanship skills with Siren. You can view this video Here!