Sunday, April 7, 2013

Over the creek and through the woods...

Now that the weather is clearing up quite nicely, Siren got to experience the great outdoors! I took her on a trail walk today. Even though I am not able to ride her yet, I still feel that exposure to the trails and woods are going to be good for her. She absolutely loves the water in the creek! She is great with walking over the logs and ditches. The biggest challenge for her was remembering to take her time going down the hills. However, when it came to going up the hills, she was very good! Although she had to deal with me, being much slower than her.

The nice weather is also allowing Siren to explore the pastures with all of her friends! She is loving it! I really love her super sweet personality. She comes to me from out in the pasture when I call her and she follows me around.

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