Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baby see, Baby do!

While this happened a little while ago, I still think that this is a very interesting and hilarious story! As summer approached, so did the flies. That means that the fly spray (Fly repellent) needed to come out to protect the horses from those biting little monsters! Siren was not a fan of me spraying her with the repellent. She would fidget and try to move away from it. One day while Siren and my other horse, Twister, were out in a pasture, I headed out with a bottle of fly spray for them. Siren, as usual ran up to greet me. Since she was there, I tried to fly spray her. She was not happy and fidgeted all around. Then I walked over to Twister, who is an old pro at this, and sprayed him with the fly repellent. He stood as still as a statue until I was finished. In the meanwhile, Siren had followed me over there and was trying to get my attention while I was spraying Twister. So, I decided to try to put a little more fly spray on Siren. This time, after seeing her friend Twister having this done, she stood perfectly still! Ever since she has had no problem with this. Actually, the same thing happened with bathing. I had both horses tied near each other in order to hose them off. Twister stood still while I rinsed him off and Siren stood still watching as I did so. Then, she stood still and accepted the chilly water like a seasoned pro! I was so happy! I guess the old saying "monkey see, monkey do" Is very true! Siren is so intelligent! I can not believe that she picks things up like this just from seeing! I am so excited to continue working with this little genius to see what else she learns! 

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